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Takulandirani ku Tsiku la PEMPHERO!!!

Tsiku la PEMPHERO ndi zotsatira za Ambuye kuyika pa mitima yathu kuthandiza anthu kukhala pa ubale weniweni ndi Atate wathu wa Kumwamba ndi Ambuye ndi Mpulumutsi wathu Yesu Khristu. Osati kungodziwa za Iye, komanso kumudziwa Iye momwe Iye alili. Kuyanjana ndi Khristu kudzera mu Pemphero, Chikhulupiriro, ndi Mawu Ake.

Kuchokera mu Chikondi, Chikhulupiriro, ndi Kumvera kwa Ambuye ndi chitsogozo cha Mzimu Woyera; utumiki uwu ulunjika pa…Kuphunzitsa. Amadziwikanso kuti olimbikitsa Otsatira a Khristu. Sitikutanthauza Kukhala Ophunzira kwa aliyense, kapena chirichonse, kupatula Ambuye Yesu Khristu. Osati munthu, osati nyumba, kapena china chirichonse…Kungophunzira kwa Yesu; ndi kufikira Atate kupyolera mwa Iye ndi chitsogozo cha Mzimu Woyera.  

Abusa John & Kimmesha Lussier


Kuchita nawo ubale ndi Khristu kudzera mu Pemphero, Chikhulupiriro, ndi
Mawu Ake

Yesu anati kwa iye, Ine ndine njira, ndi choonadi, ndi moyo; palibe munthu adza kwa Atate koma mwa Ine.

Yohane 14:6 (KJV)

MBS Zephaniah Flyer-2_edited.jpg

The Lord's House Podcast Network

Blog Yathu

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Mavidiyo Athu

Ep. 2 - Selecting Leaders

Ep. 2 - Selecting Leaders

Tsiku Logulitsa Zogulitsa za PEMPHERO

Wear and Share the truth and goodness of the Word of God around the world; encouraging your faith, and the faith of others. 

Friends and Fellowship

Tsatirani & Lembani

A DAY OF PRAYER's Morning Bible Study Logo
Matters of Life Logo
Live in the Messiah's Love Logo


Loweruka Pemphero & Kupembedza :
9 am - 11 am Loweruka lachitatu (3rd) la Mwezi.

Lamlungu :
10 am - 12pm (masana) 



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